Shogatsu San ga Nichi (New Year's Three Days)

Jan 3, 2017 11:12
Today is the last day of "shogatsu san ga nichi".
"Shogatsu san ga nichi" (which you can call simply "san ga nichi") means the first three days of the new year -- January 1 - 3.

For almost all Japanese companies excluding service and tourism industry, san ga nichi is holiday.

During the san ga nichi, there are some things that you don't should not to do.

For example, they are cleaning, washing, and cooking.

It is said that doing the cleaning or the washing on the san ga nichi will turn fuku no kami (the God of good fortune) out of your house.

Also, it is said that cooking using fire on the san ga nichi will make the God of kitchen angry.

I think that these superstitions were made from the thought that people don't want to work on the first three days of the new year.








No. 1 Melvin's correction
  • Today is the last day of "shogatsu san ga nichi".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Shogatsu san ga nichi" (which you can call simply "san ga nichi") means the first three days of the new year -- January 1 - 3.
  • "Shogatsu san ga nichi" (which you can simply call "san ga nichi") means the first three days of the new year -- January 1 - 3.
  • For almost all Japanese companies excluding service and tourism industry, san ga nichi is holiday.
  • For almost all Japanese companies excluding the service and tourism industry, san ga nichi is a holiday.
  • During the san ga nichi, there are some things that you don't should not to do.
  • During the san ga nichi, there are some things that you don't should not to do.
  • For example, they are cleaning, washing, and cooking.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Also, it is said that cooking using fire on the san ga nichi will make the God of kitchen angry.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think that these superstitions were made from the thought that people don't want to work on the first three days of the new year.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
そう言って頂けて嬉しいです (^^)